Thursday, June 26, 2008

Help me make a decision!

Last week, I saw the NEW Sprint Instinct phone.


Honestly, it's Sprint's attempt to copy the Iphone. I was amazed by it and attracted to it - the sleek black look, the chance to watch live TV, and better visibility of the internet than what my current Treo 650 offers.


Plus, for just $129 with a contract extension, it's still cheaper than the new IPhone and I won't have to break my contract with Sprint. So I'd like you to read this: and visit here:

Then help me decide by voting in the poll in the right corner. I'm going to keep the poll open until July 4th and make my decision.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Movies Etc.

Sorry I haven't blogged since Friday. Had a lot going on. But I actually caught up on some sleep this weekend - which was good.

Also saw M. Night Shymalan's THE HAPPENING:

I could go into a detailed review but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who wants to see it.
Sincerely....don't waste your time. Wait until it comes out on DVD. This movie lacked what Signs and The Sixth Sense offered M. Night supporters.....answers to why weird stuff happens!

But another summer movie I'm going to support because it will help Will Smith's July 4th reign as Big Willy Weekend. Although, I was kinda perplexed by his appearance on Dave Letterman:

Friday, June 20, 2008

I *Almost* Met Britney Spears

Her little sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, gave birth to a baby girl in a hospital that's about 80 miles south of Jackson.

We heard Britney had been at Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center earlier in the day for the birth, but we weren't sure if she was there when our crew arrived around 3 p.m.
The town was buzzing especially in the Super D drugstore across the street from the hospital.
Security was very tight though. McComb police were patrolling the outside of the hospital. A hospital visitor told me they were checking everyone's I-D who entered the hospital and when she tried to visit a friend on the maternity floor if was even tougher.
We (16 WAPT's crew) got kicked out of a parking lot across the street from the hospital because although it said clinic it was on hospital property. But the First Baptist Church of McComb was nice enough to let us park our satellite truck in their lot so we could go live at 5 & 6 p.m.

Here's my live report from 5 p.m.:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Before You Order a Low Fat/Low Cal Meal at a Restaurant.....

Watch this report from the ABC station in Phoenix:

Reinforces the need to fix your own meals at home, huh????

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Fathers' Day

This is my 75 year old Father, John Henry Brewer. This is a photo from 1999 when we went to Charleston, South Carolina, his hometown, to visit our family.

This is one of my favorite photos of my Dad because he loves this checkered jacket and looks very healthy here. He's walking behind our families' property in Mount Pleasant, S.C. That is my cousin Lee's house in the background.

This is my Dad at the Morris Brown AME church cemetery where we went to visit the gravesites of my Dad's parents, his grandmother, his first wife and other family friends.

Right now my Dad is recovering from a hip fracture and a broken hip that resulted in a hip replacement. He's at home and getting physical therapy. Please keep him and my Mom in your prayers as he recovers.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hot & Hectic.....

That's how I'll describe my trip home to NY this week.

HOT: Temps reached 100 degrees in the city and high 90's on Long Island. Several schools canceled class because many buildings there don't have central air. We don't have central air in my parent's home either so I was miserable.

HECTIC: I tried to handle some of the caretaking for my Dad who just got home from rehab, while helping my Mom with things around the house. Also caught up with my friends, Kirsten (who sat next to me when I went to THE VIEW in 2005) and Mignon who had to buy a new Toyota Prius after another driver totalled her Accord.

CRAZY HECTIC: Wednesday morning when I arrived at Laguardia airport for a 6:29 a.m. flight I realized I'd left my wallet & I.D. at my parent's house - 45 minutes away. So as we raced back to our house to retrieve my stuff, I desperately called Delta to see if I could make a later flight, considering I was scheduled to work that evening. NO LUCK. Instead, we bought a one-way ticket on Southwest from Islip airport, which is closer to the house anyway, and I managed to make it back that afternoon. But it took a three-leg flight from Islip-Chicago-Houston to get back here!

It's two days later and I'm still exhausted from that day that started as 3:30 A.M. Eastern and ended when I got off from work at 10:30 P.M. Central!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Airline Movies & Politics

Saturday I left to come home to NY to check on my parents. On my connection from ATL to Laguardia, they offered $2 headsets to watch TV. I declined because I'd just purchased new ear phones and they worked just as well.

Floating through the options on the screen, I was surprised to find that it cost $2 to watch an HBO show on Delta Airlines. Then when I switched to movie options, it was $6 to watch 'First Sunday' with Ice Cube and Katt Williams. You're subjected to tons of commercials on airplane TV. What's up with paying for it too? I was shocked and appalled but I guess it's a sign of the times.

The medical student next to me, in the middle seat, informed me ESPN was free. I discovered so was CNN, but buy the time I realized that Hillary Clinton's "concession speech" speech was over so I just watched analysis by Wolfe Blitzer and Candy Crowley (who I met at the Jackson Evers International aiport a few years ago while she was covering a civil rights cold case. She was very nice and approachable). It was amazing to see Hillary embrace Barack's slogan: "Yes we can" and point out her accomplishments and history-makingness (I know that's not a word, but it fits).

You can watch her speech and plenty of analysis:

Then CNN ran a special report "Something's happening here" 1968-2008 paralelling the political climate during both elections along with RFK to Obama's race, war time, unpopular president in office.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Spoke at Chris Rogers' Funeral

(This is the photo animation 16 aired when Chris passed away last week)

One of the hardest things I've ever done was speaking at Chris' funeral on behalf of co-workers. His funeral was such an outpouring of love and appreciation for the way he touched lives. Aldersgate U.M. church was packed. People stood in the hall and overflow room just to attend.

Here's the story/speech I wrote after speaking to and getting e-mails from folks who worked with and loved Chris:

There are people here who’ve known and worked with Chris Rogers much longer than me. I met him in 2002 when I moved to Jackson to work for 16. But whether you knew him for 50 years or 5 minutes your impressions would be the same.

If you worked with Chris Rogers, you heart broke into a million pieces last week when you heard he passed away. You stopped for a second, a minute or an hour and thought – not Chris, not my friend, not my buddy, not him! He was too young, too energetic, too funny. I still need him. He can’t be gone.

If you worked with Chris Rogers - you got your feelings hurt. Not in a bad way but if your stuff wasn’t good or up to par – he told you. He was a teacher, instructor, professor, trainer and mentor. If you were doing something wrong with your camera, your story, a tape or a deck – he could make it right. He practically wrote your package for you with the video he shot. Chris knew so many people he could tell you who to interview, where to find them, where they ate lunch, where they went to school, who they used to be married to and who they were currently dating! Chris kept his ear to the streets and he knew what was going on in the hood.

If you worked with Chris Rogers, he was happy for you when you got promoted. And if you didn’t get promoted, he could tell you why not! Chris would edit your resume tape, make a million dubs and not take a penny of your money. Chris just wanted to see you succeed – maybe because he was happy enough just to know he had something to do with it. He probably served as a reference for a job. If you were new - Chris introduced you to people, taught you how to get around, told you the names of neighborhoods, and how to pronounce the names of towns in Mississippi. You probably worked with Chris at one station, then ya’ll ended up at another station at the same time! He gave you advice; took you under his wing, and treated you like gold!

People who worked with Chris told me they had nicknames for each other: Cornbread, Shawty, C Rog, Spike for Spike Lee just to name a few. Or he called you – HIS anchor; HIS reporter – that’s how you knew you had made it.

At work, Chris never complained, especially when he wasn’t feeling well. He was a perfectionist with his video and editing. He stayed late, got up early, and was dependable. Chris probably saved you from making a fool of yourself on more than one occasion. If he was on a story with you, you knew he covered all the bases and the final product would be stellar.

Chris greeted everyone with a smile or a story that made them laugh. If he ever interviewed you – it was memorable. He knew how to put little kids and nervous folks at ease. His camera was not just a tool, it was an extension of Chris’ expertise and he was a master of photography. And that man always had a disposable Kodak handy!

If you worked with Chris Rogers, left Jackson, and then came back for a visit – he was on your MUST SEE list. You needed another laugh, to see his smile, and for him to catch you up on the “at work” gossip since you left.

If you worked with Chris Rogers, you were never hungry. He either brought you leftovers from home or a restaurant where he worked. I can still taste his barbeque. And don’t tell him what you were making at home – because that meant you had to bring him some. But you were torn and so was he – on what he should or should not eat. And he knew he couldn’t lie to his doctor because he’s a fraternity brother. Chris shared everything; his food, his Extra sugar free gum, his knowledge.

If you worked with Chris Rogers, everyday was a party. Work just wasn’t about work. Don’t think my friend wasn’t serious. He was just seriously crazy. The Ultimate Chris Rogers experience – was partying at Christoff’s house – in the backyard, in the garage, in the street. Chicken wings were on the main course. The chance to party, dance, and laugh with Chris – was the dessert. Chris was the perpetual LIFE OF THE PARTY and made sure anyone he met – had a good time. Your friends would ask you, “When’s the next Chris Rogers’ party?” because they were legendary.

If you worked with Chris Rogers, he told you many stories. About growing up and moving around as his dad, Dr. Rogers pursued his career, moving from university to university, and church to church. And Chris told you about working at TV stations across the country, who he met, who he worked with and who’s now gone on to bigger and better things. Chris told you about mistakes he’d made, his success and lessons he learned. But some things were secret. His rule: what happens between a photog and a reporter in the news car – stays between a photog and a reporter in a news car.

If you worked with Chris Rogers, you worked with a grown man…who was really a big kid. But he was also your “dad away from home” or the dad you never had….Chris may have let you borrow his truck or a few dollars if you were a little financially challenged. If you were having a bad day, Chris had a joke. No – not just one joke. A day of jokes; a whole newscast where he kept everyone laughing on headsets and in the studio. People who worked with Chris called him “trooper”, their uncle, their brother. He WAS family. Chris was your road dog, your go-to guy, your ace!

If you worked with Chris Rogers, you knew he was a PROUD OMEGA MAN. You heard stories of his days at Tougaloo and kicking it with his bruhs! You saw him dressed in full OMEGA MAN attire. Purple hat, purple t-shirt, purple sweatpants, purple handkerchief on down!

If you worked with Chris Rogers, just the site of his red pickup truck with all the bumper stickers made you smile. You will never be the same now that he’s gone. He touched you, he taught you, he fed you, he laughed AT you and WITH you.

I worked with Chris Rogers and I am a better journalist, a better person, a better daughter and friend – because of him. I can’t believe the last time I saw him - was THE LAST TIME I would ever see him. But I know Chris is no longer frustrated by the limitations he’s had on his body the last few years.

Be comforted knowing that you co-worker, Chris Rogers, doesn’t have any more surgeries or sickness ahead.

And remember that Chris Rogers, more than anything else, was LARGER THAN LIFE.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chris Rogers' Funeral Arrangements

I promised to pass along this information about the passing of Chris Rogers'. His funeral is Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Aldersgate U.M. Church, 655 Beasley Road off of Hanging Moss, near Callaway High School.
Chris' parents are asking friends and loved ones to make donations in his memory to the church building fund.

For those who can't make the funeral Wednesday, the viewing is Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Westhaven Funeral Home on Robinson Road.
Dr. and Mrs. Rogers asked me to speak at the funeral on behalf of co-workers. Please let me know if you have fond memories or funny stories you would like me to share.

I Saw Sex and the City!

I don't wanna spoil the movie for anyone who still hasn't seen it....but I give it a B+ and thought of the movie as 3 episodes edited together. I laughed, I cried, and I still want more. I hear they're already talking SEQUEL!!!! Click here for SJP's take on another movie and here to read Kristin Davis' thoughts.

Here's a great interview with SJP on the movie:

and another funny clip from an online spinoff of the infamous show, "Six in the City":