Tuesday, October 19, 2010

AJ is crawling

My husband and I are celebrating A.J.'s milestone, while simultaneously trying to find time to baby proof since he's officially "mobile." Enjoy:

He still gets a little "lazy" from time to time and flips over on his back.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Movie Review: The Social Network

I saw The Social Network film Saturday morning and I give it an A-. 
I was inspired to  check it out after seeing the actors (Jesse Eisenberg and Justin Timberlake) on The View talking about the movie. I am on Facebook now, although I resisted for months. Now I'm on it at least 4 times a day. It really sucks you in.

Before the movie came out I really didn't know much about the "co-creator" Mark Zuckerberg. According to him, the movie is fiction and he doesn't intend to see it. Well, I like fiction and I liked this movie. The movie details how Facebook went from being an idea in a Harvard dorm room to a reality, how it launched lawsuits worth millions of dollars and broke apart friendships. 

Here's a trailer:

The dialogue is fast paced in some spots. The acting is flawless. I got drawn in to the film, which was hard since my 6 month old son had a cold and was home with my husband while i went to the movies. I hate spoilers so I'll break it down this way.