Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Movie Review: The Social Network

I saw The Social Network film Saturday morning and I give it an A-. 
I was inspired to  check it out after seeing the actors (Jesse Eisenberg and Justin Timberlake) on The View talking about the movie. I am on Facebook now, although I resisted for months. Now I'm on it at least 4 times a day. It really sucks you in.

Before the movie came out I really didn't know much about the "co-creator" Mark Zuckerberg. According to him, the movie is fiction and he doesn't intend to see it. Well, I like fiction and I liked this movie. The movie details how Facebook went from being an idea in a Harvard dorm room to a reality, how it launched lawsuits worth millions of dollars and broke apart friendships. 

Here's a trailer:

The dialogue is fast paced in some spots. The acting is flawless. I got drawn in to the film, which was hard since my 6 month old son had a cold and was home with my husband while i went to the movies. I hate spoilers so I'll break it down this way.

Ten things I learned from The Social Network:

  1. Guys can come up with some crazy, profitable ideas when they're trying to impress or get over a girl.
  2.  My Mom was right. "An oral agreement is as good as the paper it's written on."
  3. Friends can be a blessing and a curse. 
  4. Don't share too much of your business ideas and projects with others.
  5. Identical twin characters in movies are really creepy.
  6. If you come up with a unique idea or invention and find yourself saying "we don't even know what it is yet," it could end up being phenomenal.
  7. Monetize you idea, slowly and thoughtfully.
  8. Nerds, like Mark Zuckerberg, are really cool and extremely funny.
  9. When more than one genius works on something it can be amazing.
  10. We all need friends. Losing them sucks. It also sucks when they don't accept your "friends request."

1 comment:


Het Joyce, I love this...I definitly want to see this movie now. I love the 10 things list...Thanks for giving us your thoughts.