You would think spending a hot Saturday afternoon surrounded by ice cream would be a "cool" experience! That was not the case at the Ice Cream safari at the Jackson Zoo. 16 WAPT had several celebrity scoopers including Morning Reporter Don Champion:
It was a sweltering hot day. Thanks to our "scooping assistants" Keisha and Lois we were able to take a few water breaks and they held the clip-on tent fan closer to us so we could actually feel the breeze. Besides Don, other members of the Morning Crew came out to scoop, Ethan Huston and Brad McMullan. (Their names are spelled incorrectly on the zoo sign below!)
Our flavor was Rainbow Lorikeet Cake which was a vanilla rainbow swirl ice cream with real yellow cake inside. From the looks of the lines we had at our tent, we had a pretty popular flavor but our flavor wasn't a winner.
For the third year in a row, I also brought my little sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters, Shalakkeia, to serve as an assistant.
When our shift was over Shalakkeia and I took a tour of the zoo which is undergoing contstruction again.
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