Monday, November 3, 2008

Hidden Cash in Garage Sales

Last Saturday was my second time taking part in a garage sale.
First time: I made about $60 and this time I made $170+ so I'm celebrating how my "stash made me some cash!"
There were a few things that helped this latest garage sale successful.

  1. I didn't do it alone. My friend Vivian's neighbor, Donna, was the host. I brought items I'd been setting aside since the September garage sale. Then I invited my co-worker, Faith, to bring her stuff. The more - the merrier. If one of us didn't have what the "bargain hunters" wanted, the other one would.

  2. We did it the first Saturday of the month. For lots of folks who get paid once a month, this is an ideal time for them to shop.

  3. Proper promotion. Donna put green neon signs at the corner of her subdivision in Byram for the folks who drive around looking for garage sales. I also had it posted in the Clarion Ledger, Jackson Free Press, Craigslist, and a brand new free website I discovered: Kijiji. Then I e-mailed lots of folks in Jackson who might be interested in buying used items. The ad listed the date, time, and general item descriptions.

We'll probably take a break until the spring before we host another garage sale. It's getting TOO COLD to be standing outside at 5 a.m. I'll sell a few other specialty (12 pairs of ladies size 10 shoes) and brand new items on Ebay & Craigslist.

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