Sorry for the lapse in posts and updates on Baby Kendrick.
I had to fly home to NY because my Mom broke her wrist and hurt her back during a bad fall. While I was there we got the sad news that my Aunt Shirley in Philadelphia passed away. On the flight home to Atlanta, I started feeling sick. That turned into a 10 day cold that I really couldn't "treat" with typical medicines because most are not safe for pregnant women. As soon as I got over my cold, my husband caught it. Oh well!!
On a happier note, we were able to shoot the 20 week ultrasound video you saw below. We also got a few pics of Baby Kendrick including my favorite: his/her feet above.
This has been an incredibly active week for Baby Kendrick in my belly. Maybe it's because he/she is getting larger and stronger, but I feel movement EVERYDAY! It's not the kind of movement that keeps me awake - thank goodness! It's just those reassuring kicks that the baby is saying "Hey, I'm in here!" If I lie very still in bed and lift my shirt, I can see my belly shake.
After a rough night of some hip joint pain, I even had a dream about Baby Kendrick's birth. Pregnant women have lots of very vivid dreams. Here's mine:
I was in a hospital bed with my husband asleep next to me. My Mom was sitting on the left side of the bed looking ecstatic about the birth of her "newest" grandchild.
She asked me, "Is it a boy or a girl?"
Sitting on the table in front of me was a burrito I had apparently just given birth to!
I had to unwrap the burrito to find out the baby's sex.
I dug through the beans, rice and cheese to find...........
She was incredibly cute and alert. Weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.
But I was questionning how could I give birth to a full term baby when I was only five months pregnant.
My attention turned to a lady sitting in the room who was giving me a "face" because she apparently thought I was further along in my pregnancy.
Then I kissed Baby Girl Kendrick's face and her head jerked back as if I alarmed or startled her.
I asked "Are you OK baby?"
The newborn nodded as if to say, "Yeah, I'm good."
(I should point out - my husband was asleep in the bed next to me throughout this entire dream!)
So I still don't know if Baby Kendrick is a boy/girl. Although my dreaming mind must think it's a girl. I had a dream earlier in my pregnancy that the baby was a boy, but that dream wasn't as detailed as this one. I believe that dream came from the perspective that my husband said if we have a boy, we can stop at one kid vs. continually trying for a boy.
I say - one and done!
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