First I have to admit I’m a little behind. I remember catching a glimpse of a promo when the author appeared on Oprah. I never saw the episode.

Then in August my sister gave me a copy of the book and raved about it. In all my busy-ness I put it off until I had a few minutes to sit still and read it. That happened when I wasn’t feeling well Friday so I brought it with me to the doctor’s office.
What clinched it for me was when I identified with a passage in the book. The author, Liz, was in an unhappy marriage. She was in the bathroom crying night after night. Her husband didn’t know. And Liz found herself crying and finally praying to God. That’s when she heard what she described as an “omniscient interior voice” that told her to go back to bed. Of course, she was looking for a direct action from God on what she should do next. But I knew exactly what she felt.
I had a particularly upsetting Saturday night with someone I dated back in 1999. I had been disrespected and embarrassed, nothing physical, just emotionally bruised. It upset me so badly I had an upset stomach and problems sleeping. The next morning I went to church - still upset and emotionally suffering. A church sister must have noticed it on my face. She took me in a separate room to sit down, gather my thoughts, and brought me a glass of water. Once I was ready to go into the sanctuary, I sat there for awhile and then I heard something from God, my “omniscient interior voice.”
It said: “I gave you what you wanted to show you it wasn’t what you needed.”
Let that sink in for a moment…..
“I gave you what you wanted to show you it wasn’t what you needed.”
I knew immediately what God meant and how it applied to this person I was dating. He wasn’t what I needed but he was my attempt to fulfill the loneliness I felt at the time. And as I’ve grown and developed since that time eight years ago, I’ve realized that in many situations it still applies.
Get the book. Listen to your own “omniscient interior voice.”
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