Sunday, October 19, 2008


Add Oliver Stone’s “W” to the list of bad movies I’ve seen in a row this year. (Hancock, The Happening, and The Women were previously mentioned in this blog.)

In fact, it was so long and disappointing TMIL (that’s my acronym: The Man I Love) said he won’t let me pick another movie for us to see. I agree with his description that “W” was like an extended SNL skit. It was an exaggeration of the President, his family, and his cabinet. I found myself squirming in my seat about 40 minutes into the movie. I didn’t like the way Stone flashed back and forward into time. I’m not saying a movie has to be told sequentially to be effective. But Stone’s storytelling was all over the place for the first hour or more. Most annoying - too many scenes where the president eats and speaks at the same time. Stone wanted him to look silly. That’s one mission he accomplished along with giving me a stomach ache as I watched sandwich after sandwich get gobbled by actor, Josh Brolin, while bits and pieces of food fell out of his mouth.

In my opinion, Michael Moore’s “Farenheit 9/11” made a better argument about the president’s mis-steps, than “W.” Oliver Stone’s biopic traced George W. Bush’s poor decision making skills to drinking and womanizing in his younger years, Daddy-issues, a “calling” from God to run for president and being manipulated by Dick Cheney (and others) into the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq in order to control oil in the mideast.

Colin Powell, played by Jeffery Wright, was the only intelligent and honest person in the whole film. He stood by his opposition to the wars in grand, credible style.

But if Condoleeza Rice ever crosses paths with Thandie Newton – watch out! Condi will likely smack the taste out of Thandie’s mouth. Thandie portrayed the secretary of state as a nasal, annoying, unattractive, “yes-woman.”

I’ll save you the $6 -$9 depending on how much movies cost where you live. All you need to know/see is in this trailer OR read the reviews below it:

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